Blocks are due in-house Saturday October 27th. The easiest way to participate is to join the Quilt Block Swap group on Facebook. When you send your blocks, remember to include an envelope with your address & adequate postage to return the swap blocks you get back.
We (my physicist/farmer husband & me & the dogs & the cats) moved from sprawling Houston, TX to a small, but useless farm in Florida. Then the donkey moved in. He was lonely, so the goats came. & then some horses, some more dogs, chickens, cockatiels, more cats, new horses. You get the picture.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Watermelon part deux
The August Facebook quilt block swap blocks are all gone (except for one set that arrived from a New York state zip code but no return envelope or even return address on the envelope to me) & so it is time to get to work on the October blocks. The two blocks are intended to work together, they have the same watermelon color scheme, but if you missed the August block you can make your own (this one works up very very quickly) OR you can use these blocks in a different layout.
To make the October block you will need 4" squares of eight (8) different fabrics in the watermelon color scheme (green, from dark to light & well over into the yellows, pink from
hot pink to palest baby pink, black, brown, white, off-white, etc./please AVOID blue & purple colors not found in an ideal watermelon). You can use solids, reads-as-solid or even wildly patterned fabric so long as ALL the colors in the fabric fall within the guidelines. Divide these squares into pairs of light & dark (or light & medium or medium & dark). Make 1/2-square triangles & arrange them so that two of them have the darkest side to the center (points touching) & the other two have the lightest sides to the center (again, points touching). More complete block directions can be found here & detailed directions on one way to make the 1/2-square triangles can be found here & here.
Blocks are due in-house Saturday October 27th. The easiest way to participate is to join the Quilt Block Swap group on Facebook. When you send your blocks, remember to include an envelope with your address & adequate postage to return the swap blocks you get back.
Blocks are due in-house Saturday October 27th. The easiest way to participate is to join the Quilt Block Swap group on Facebook. When you send your blocks, remember to include an envelope with your address & adequate postage to return the swap blocks you get back.
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