Whatever. There is another Bill Forsyth movie you probably never saw...did I mention Bill Forsyth directed these & wrote most of them (not Housekeeping, which was a book by Marilynne Robinson, although I think he probably wrote the screenplay. Let me check. Yep, he did). That would be his Christmas movie Comfort & Joy. No, no not that Nancy McKeon Lifetime movie of the week thing, which may be quite charming, I wouldn't know as I have never seen it. I mean Bill Forsyth's Comfort & Joy & good luck finding it as it sells on Amazon for $130+. In a nutshell, a man with a public persona out of synch with his private self has some extra time on his hands in the few days before Christmas & ... stuff happens. No, this is not the synopsis any movie database will give you, but there it is.
So if you find yourself with time on YOUR hands this holiday season & you feel like breaking your heart into tiny little pieces, let me recommend the movies of Bill Forsyth. Any of those above or any of the others, but most especially Comfort & Joy which you are never going to find, so good luck with that.
Oh oh I almost forgot: this week at 52 Photos Project the theme is Comfort & Joy so I though about recreating of one of the scenes from the above mentioned movie. A little unorthodox holiday decorating maybe, or mugging an ice cream vendor. Instead I give you this:
This is Sadie. She came to us as a foster dog after going to a small, poorly funded county shelter. She was picked up by a rescue & placed with a family who gave her back after a few weeks. Then she went into a many-dog foster situation while they figured out what went wrong & then she came here. She is happy here. This morning she went to the vet for her first ever dental cleaning. I had to leave her; there is no other way to do a dental. I handed her over to a very nice, gentle tech & Sadie wailed the whole time. I picked her up this afternoon & she forgave me immediately.
welcome home to sadie. enjoy each other :)