Wednesday, December 18, 2013

52 Photos Project: Holiday Traditions

When I saw 52 Photos Project's Traditions, my first thought was holiday cards.   I loved them as a kid, I love them now.  I mostly stopped sending them because I stopped getting them & I didn't want to be the last dork...  But they are back & I am back sending them again & all is good.  I had thought I would take a picture of the cards that we have received so far, but watching Megyn Kelly clips on the Daily Show made me go through the old card file.

We sent these Santa cards X years ago (I honestly don't remember when because while I stopped sending holiday cards I never really stop-stopped sending them, I always send AT LEAST one holiday card to my mother).  I know it was after Obama was elected the first time (she's a big fan; this last visit I gave her all the swag I could lay my hands on & she seemed happy to have it), because I made an Santa 'bama reference in my note. 

Way-back-when I saw these cards in the Victorian Trading Company catalog (that I get this catalog & somehow order something often enough to keep it coming is hilarious in its own way).  They are called Santa Greengloves (look closely, he is indeed wearing green gloves) & I was immediately in love.  & I knew I had to have them & send them to my parents & I ordered them & sent them to my parents & a few other people besides & then I moved on.  Sidebar// in one of those the coincidences keep stacking up kind of things, I included this year's card Comfort & Joy in the picture on the left there.  I promise it was all picked out long before the last week's 52 Photos Project

I have no talent for still lifes.  I am told people who fail in still lifes tend to over compose, but I fail the other way.  this is a complete fail on my part:  it is where my quilts fail, my parties fail, etc.  I throw everything in there & get bored & wander off.  Anyway.  I took this still life so everyone could see this traditional Victorian Santa card & then I could talk about the Big Scandal visible in these traditional Victorian/Edwardian Christmas cards.

Look carefully.  Take your time.  Do you see it? 

That's right!  Santa used to wear green gloves!  Those monsters at the Coca-Cola company have been screwing with traditional Santa.  They are the ones who changed his complete ensemble to match their logo.  Last but not least, my mom will tell you those monsters at Coca Cola also ruined the song "I'd like to teach the world to sing".  I admit, I have a hard time blocking out I'd like to buy the world a coke verse. 


  1. Interesting. What I noticed was in the middle card the seemingly hidden drink with a straw that seems to be hidden between the tennis racket and the letters. I wish they would run that old Coke commercial with the original jingle.

  2. Hi mb -- just letting you know that I'm happy to have you join the cotton robin but I need an email address for you! Also -- love the profile picture! It reflects how I feel most mornings when I have to go to work...
