Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Like everyone who saw it in Outsourced, I was charmed by the celebration of Holi.  Also I was so glad not to be there, pounded with powders of whatever, leaving stains & shooting dust in my eyes &...OKay, maybe a little bit of Holi-with some advance notice-would be just the thing.  The more I think about it, the more I want Holi to happen here.  & of course minutes after I had that though I realized we kinda already do.  I mean, what was Mardi Gras if not a festival of color?  Although the only the only color they seem to fling are those beads...

Even more like Holi are the color runs popping up all over the country.  There are several an hour or so from here but I am not one of those people who can be an hour away first thing in the morning.  The horses don't like it, for one.

In a world made small with coincidence, the first set of rainbow connection quilt blocks are due this Saturday, just after Holi.  I for one am very excited.  Because when I come right down to it, I would rather quilt than run a 5k.

Last but not least, today I finished the blocks for my own rainbow rolling stone quilt.  I plan to add the narrowest of narrow sashing (like maybe 1.5", tops) & zipping it up as quick as I can.  I have wanted this quilt for a long time & I managed not to get sick of it while I made it.  Big blocks helped, I suspect. 

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