Monday, September 2, 2013

Labor rich Labor Day

Things have been a little quilt heavy here, at least you would think so from the blog posts.  The reality is most of our time has been spent outside.  We have had a very rainy rainy season (YAY) so there has been a lot happening out there & none of it has had anything to do with wildfires (YAY YAY).

This weekend we went grape picking at Loftus Family Farm.  We try to do this every year, but this year the grapes were bit behind schedule.  All this rain is good, but they need sun, too, to ripen.  Mr. Loftus told us that on Saturday 900 pounds of pick-your-own muscadine were weighed & sold.  We came home with 10+ pounds of our own.  I brought about a third of them over to W*****.  She is doing OKay with the radiation but she is so thin! & I know she loves them.

I also brought her some cuttings from the Reve d'Or which is going gangbusters up the live oak tree, probably because of the rain & being up high in rich well-drained compost.  This is the second set of cutting I have done for her.  The first set got so slammed with the rain, they flooded & never took root.  She will make a better rose-sitter than I ever was & if they all make it (& really they should) she will 14 tiny little rose bushes to plant along her fence.

Michael Faraday went squirrel chasing (nothing new there) up the banana tree (uhm...OKay) & took down the stalk with the closest-to-ripe bunch.  We have had seven banana blossoms this year (I can stop talking about the rain right?).  Those stalks are quite sturdy but Mr. Faraday is no lightweight.  Since they have already started to turn yellow, A cut the stalk & it is hanging from a rope tied to the covered walkway between the house & the garage.  We are hoping this will approximate the light it would have gotten in the banana thicket.  The blossom still had some petals, so I brought it over to W***** with the rose cuttings & the grapes.

So you see, it is not all quilting-quilting-quilting.  Of course, with all the rain I get a chunk of time inside to do something pick-up-put-down, like bind a quilt or...  No more about quilts or rain, for a few days at least.  I promise. 

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