Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The new year in books

I have said I am not much for resolutions.  But I am a huge fans of lists (I also like songs that count).  I like numbered lists & consecutive lists...oh those lovely lists.  So it should be no surprise that I make a Goodreads book count resolution type thing every year.  Or at least every year since I joined Goodreads. 

2013 was a good book listing year.

2013 Reading Challenge

2013 Reading Challenge
Marybeth has completed her goal of reading 125 books in 2013!

If it looks like I am some kind of over-achiever, I promise that is just not true.  I read more than I said I would because I include picture books on my list & I want to mark them READ & there is no way to exclude them from the list.  Unless I leave off the end date.  Which I am too crazy to do.  So a good chunk of that overage was read in under an hour.  Well under an hour.

& finally I thought I would start off the year with a Word Of The Day.  Today's word is OVERAGE.  It is not the same thing as "over age" which is a different thing, but not entirely.  It means
the above & beyond count in product.  or money.  Too fixed asset-y?  OKay, it is a surplus of goods.  For a long long long time this was considered a good thing (I grew up in Reagan's America), but maybe more isn't better. 

Who am I kidding, more books read is always better!  So in 2014 I am going to read....130 books.  give or take. 

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